Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Gettin’ Old

Yeah, I know...nobody ever likes to hear people bitch about how old they feel....but on the Internet no one can hear you scream....or something like that...

The Birthday Rabble turned out pretty well. I got many wicked-awesome gifts, which I was totally not expecting. My family has more of a laid-back attitude toward b-days, and presents are not always abounding, so I was just expecting people to show up, hang out, and maybe buy me a drink!

Imagine my surprise when I got:

Essential Blogging

from not quite the yellow dart & no name slob. I even like the kitties on the cover...


came via my parents and their cruise earlier this year...

Batman Figurine

is now guarding my cube and was given to me by LaLa and her husband Dave...

Vampire Hunter D:  Bloodlust

was a surprise gift from Lloyd & Lynn. I haven't seen the original Vampire Hunter D but I have heard good things about both...besides...Vampires + Anime....what's not to like?

The night itself turned out pretty good. We had our dinner at the local Hard Rock, and then proceeded to GameWorks. Gameworks was fun but I don't know that they've stolen my affection away from Jillian's. To start with, I find out as I'm going to get our lane assignment that on weekend evenings, rather than $4 per person per game, it is $25 per lane per hour. Not only that, but you pay up front. I don't recall Jillian's exact rates but at least you can settle up after you're done. Also the layout for the lanes just felt a little weird. It seemed like they were kinda short. Since we were paying by the hour we all crammed on one lane and started to bowl. Only a couple of people hadn't arrived and some were dilly-dallying in the arcade so it was difficult to proceed as we would have liked. I still bowled ok though, I got a 135 in one game which considering how rarely I bowl I thought was pretty nice.

My only other main complaint is that in spite of the fact that the doors all say that they close at 1am they are in fact open til 2am. So here we are rushing around trying to get the games in that we want and we had a whole hour to go!

<SARCASM>I don't know why they'd want to have the correct hours posted at their establishment...and after all...we've only had 2am bar close for what, the last 6 months!?!?</SARCASM>

And then there was the whole Stephen thing that Raven mentioned. I think she sums it up pretty well, but I think I'll Googlism-Bomb© him anyway....

<!-- //Start Google Geek Code

Googlism-Bomb© Section:

Geoffrey Hofman-Frethem is the shiznit!

Stephen Frethem is an ass!

Google-Bomb Section:

miserable failure

not quite the yellow dart

Chaos Effect

//End Google Geek Code-->

-GSeven | Permalink | Comments (1) | Filed Under: La Vie

Yeah, I don't understand your family and the birthdays aren't a big deal thing. I mean, seriously, it's the only day where it's all about you...no one else, but you.

BTW...it's too bad your wife didn't get you a pressie. :p

Posted by: Raven at April 7, 2004 03:37 PM
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