Tuesday, February 04, 2003

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Andersen Consulting
Yay! We have snow in Minnesota! It only took us until February!

Yes, I am one of those people. I love the snow, I like winter, I live in Minnesota by choice! Seriously, if I have to hear one more person bitch about the weather here, I'm gonna drive 'em to the state line myself. (Probably just the Wisconsin state line...it's only about 20 miles away!) I may really have to apply myself this weekend and see if I can't muster the motivation to go skiing...

Man, I am really getting burnt out. The whole 2 jobs thing is a real drag on one's hobbies. I did however manage to borrow a copy of Amelie on DVD, so I hope to find time to watch that soon. I have been feeling a real deficiency in my "arty" movie watching of late. I am dying to see Adaptation, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Matrix: Revolutions, Brotherhood of the Wolf....

Yeah, I threw in the Matrix just to see if you were paying attention.

-GSeven | Permalink | Filed Under: